Monday, November 9, 2015

Matcha Kitkat Cupcake | 抹茶杯子蛋糕



杯子蛋糕作法的影片請點這  <--- Matcha Kitkat Cupcake Video 

有的時候我會突然想要烤糕點,但有沒有充裕的時間, 我就會去買外面現成的蛋糕粉, 加上一般家裡都不會有蛋糕盤, 所以我都用杯子蛋糕用的容器去烤. 這樣吃的時候也比較方便,直接拿,也不用盤子.(個人很不喜歡洗盤子哈哈)   如果要給朋友的話也比很方便喔.

我是用 Betty Crocker的Cakemix 做的, 回家只要加蛋,油,和牛奶就可以做成蛋糕底囉.(盒子上面有做的步驟)  我一般還會加一些自己喜歡的東西,讓蛋糕更好吃. 像我會把伯爵茶的茶包剪開,把茶葉加入蛋糕粉裡一起跟蛋和其它料一起拌,再去烤. 這次我加了抹茶粉. 所以看你喜歡什麼味道,自己作變化.

杯子蛋糕上面的奶油,我是用 一塊Creamcheese,一條奶油(大約8tablespoon),香草精,和1/2cup的糖霜去打的,然後這次我也有加抹茶粉.  打好後,加入擠花袋,擠道烤好放涼的杯子蛋糕就可以囉


This is the simple easy way to make cupcake.  I used the Betty Crocker Cakemix as cupcake base, and bake it in a muffin pan, so it looks like cupcakes.  Make sure to only fill 1/3 of the batter into the pan, so that it doesnt over flow.  Usually I add flavors into my batter, such as earl grey tea leaves, matcha powder, and etc.

As for the butter cream for this cupcake, I made creamcheese butter cream.  All you need is a creamcheese, and around a stick of butter (8 tablespoon), 2 teaspoon of Vanilla extract, 1/2 cup of Icing sugar, around 1-2 tablespoon of Matcha Powder.  Blend it all together, then decorate it over your after bake room temp. cupcake. Top it with Matcha KitKat.

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