Friday, January 25, 2013


蒜頭末      少許
薑末          少許
辣椒末      少許

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Zakkushi @ Carlton

Zakkushi is one of my favorite Japanese restaurants when I was in Vancouver. Sometimes my friends and I just go there in the middle of night and grab a few skewers with some beer, it feels AMAZING, and now it is finally opened in Toronto. YAY. I went there and tried it, and it taste just like the one in Vancouver.  I have been to Zakkushi many times when I was in Vancouver, and I have ordered most of the items on the menu ,and to be honest I have not tried anything that taste bad. So, I think when you go there just ordered whatever you think that looks good and have a try. BUT SKEWERS ARE THE BEST:)

They have lots of varieties for skewers
Their Odens are pretty good. The only small thing I dont like is that I like drinking a lot of soup but they always dont give enough
Ebi Mayo. 

amazing skewers.

Tsukune skewers are my FAVORITE.

Cheese Mochi is a must try too!!

Their sashimi is not bad, but for my opinion it is not worth eating it at Zakkushi.

Yakiyori Don Special
Chicken Wings

Anni Tofu 
THIS TASTE AMAZING. Great way to finish a great meal. I forgot the name of it but they have picture on the menu :)

I personally think they are very considerate for preparing all the mouth-cleaning  tools in the washroom, so when you are on a date and your breath smells a little, just go to the washroom haha.

Saturday, January 12, 2013


來多倫多之後開始學了做很多我從來都沒想過我需要自己做的菜.因為有的時候不是吃不到,不好吃,就是價位有點高. 所以我就開始google 一拖拉古的recipe 然後開始試著做.做越多次就越成功. 今天就要來教大家怎麼自己滷大腸.



1. 先將大腸用溫水清洗後,將大腸放進有深度的容器將整罐啤酒倒入用手抓一抓清洗. 然後放置一旁
2. 煮一鍋水,水滾後將大腸放入鍋中加入薑片,蔥段,和花椒粒及米酒. 關小火煮大概40分鐘
*step 2 是為了去大腸味
3. 用另一個鍋子油熱後爆香蔥和薑片後加入糖,炒至糖溶化變焦糖色後加入水,醬油後再加入大腸再悶滷一個小時後即可切片食用. 或着可以將大腸與蔥一起炒非常下飯.