因為每次吃都覺的很清爽很開胃. 在家試做了一次非常成功.
我做了一大盒每次要吃飯的時候都拿一點出來吃, 清清涼涼的很舒服 :) 今天要大家做囉~
小黃瓜 Cucumber
醋 Vinegar
香油 Sesame oil
味淋 (可不加) Mirin (optional)
辣椒 Chili (optional)
蒜頭 Minced Garlic
鹽 Salt
2. 將辣椒,蒜頭切碎
3. 將出水了小黃瓜清洗濾乾,然後加入醋,少許的香油,味淋,和辣椒跟蒜頭,全部拌勻後放入冰箱1-2個小時即可食用
* 其實醬料的比例是依自己喜好加的,醋的比例一般都比其他的多一點. 我建議都先加適量,如果知後覺得不夠味再加就好了.蒜頭多一點會很香喔
1. Wash and cut the cucumber in big pieces, add around 2 teaspoon of salt in, mix it well, then let it sit for around 10 min.
2. Mince garlic and chili
3. Wash the cucumber again, add a little bit of vinegar, sesame oil, mirin, minced chili and garlic, mix it well then put it in the fridge for around 1-2 hours.
* the ratio for the vinegar and sesame oil depends on each person preference. I suggest you can add a little bit at one time and if you find the flavor is not strong enough, add some more afterwards.
1. Wash and cut the cucumber in big pieces, add around 2 teaspoon of salt in, mix it well, then let it sit for around 10 min.
2. Mince garlic and chili
3. Wash the cucumber again, add a little bit of vinegar, sesame oil, mirin, minced chili and garlic, mix it well then put it in the fridge for around 1-2 hours.
* the ratio for the vinegar and sesame oil depends on each person preference. I suggest you can add a little bit at one time and if you find the flavor is not strong enough, add some more afterwards.
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